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I'm go with she/her 21+
Indonesia 🇮🇩
You can call me Kania or Kan or Kankan or what ever u like~
I like drawing but I haven't practiced my skills for a long time(cuz buzy in RL), so yeah.. don't be surprised if I suddenly post a drawing ehe :D
sometimes doing GA for moots or Public (but often for moots only)
Game that i play:
Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Whuthuring waves, Honor of kings, Love & Deepscpace, Tears of themis,Colorful Stage, A3!, Enstars!, etc (any mobile/pc/console games)
WATCH A LOT OF ANIME & READ A LOT OF MANGA, sometimes read manhwa too
favorite Anime:
Detective Conan, Gintama, ONE PIECE, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kimetsu No Yaiba, Haikyuu, Wind Breaker, SPY X FAMILY
Love & Comfort Chara's:
Genshin: Zhongli
HsR: Jing Yuan
Wuwa: Jiyuan
A3!: Tasuku
Enstars: Hokke
LnD: Zayne
ToT: Artem
Anime/ manga: Shinichi Kudo, Ichigo Kurosaki, Kageyama Tobio, Gintoki Sakata, Haruka Sakura,Rorona Zoro, Giyuu Tomioka

This Account is Anitwt, talked about Anime and manga. and also japan stuff (seiyuu,music,jdrama,etc)
i talked about game too expecially my Fav game like Genshin, HsR, Wuwa, enstras, A3!, ToT,LnD, etc
i read manhwa/manhua too, and sometimes watch donghua (china's anime)
I dont mind if u ANIKPOP or akun Gadogado. but its back to u, youre comfortable or not with my acc
Mostly I ship BxG, but i accept many ship so its okay! (well, sometimes i like BxB nyehehe :D)
sometimes i'm doing split or selling merch.
don't suprise if I suddenly loud ><
sometimes i talk about RL
i like to interact!! but if i busy in RL, its hard for me to active in twt/X :(
this acc is friendly for minor but sometimes RT/post "soft" NSFW (Not heavy nsfw or BRUTAL wkkw) so if u mind its okay
speak in ENG/IND
speak Japanese (sometimes)
You"re Rasist (for all), can't respect/appreciate other
Hate Religion (Islam, Christian, and other)
Israel pro (zionist)
"Full" Kpop Acc or an acc there is no same interest at all
Hate my oshi/fav chara's (u can check my fav in "about me")
minor under 13

My Lovely Moots♥
Thank You for u all who like and confort to become my moots, hope we get along well🥺️